Saturday, November 7

Week of surprise and love

This week, I should say, has been one perfect week. First of all, good tests in most of my classes, but some more horrible ones are made on the day of Tuesday. I guess it just balance it self out. Anyways, moving up the ladder of the week.
Well, some stuff are suppose to be kept hidden, so, "be code it shall be" *Yoda* Wednesday and Friday was so much fun. BUT! it was meant to be a homework day = =\ (not gonna blame you, cause didn't want to do homework either way* So yup, that's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Friday for y'all...and I just ran short of what to type.. ouch..

I find it very attractive that you look so childishly cute. It makes me...= = oh man... well, anyways, thanks for the present :D I will treasure it.

Monday, November 2

Theses few months.....

These few days has been... let say.. an eye opener. Well, first of all, school has started, that means I have ton of work to due.. even if I don't want to. Right now, since I'm applying for a school to go to after senior year, all bets have been placed on the table. What the heck, I'm wasting time and space on my blog to talk about... SCHOOL!? ....shty*

Moving on~ I've meet and fell in love with some one. The name shall not be spoken here, but, it's a name that make your heart melt the second you hear it. :P so cute.

Well, anyways, this is kinda the blog of the month.. why? ...cause im kinda...out of ideas...I mean, that's what I haven't been posting lately. But anyways, if you see this, I say "ji3 94 su3"