Tuesday, August 4

Song Bash Madness

*sigh* oh god. today was pretty slow pasted for me. oh-y...counting down 9 days till my summer classes gets out, but right after that, in 1-1½ weeks, Academic classes starts...so basically all my summer, I've not gotten much to remember for beside the fact that I've wasted most of it on studying and classes? OY! OY!I know you are laughing on the other side of the net right now....(paranoid zone) OK, well, that's inevitable anyways, I'm just gonna accept all the consequences...THAT I FREAKING LOST 2 MONTHS OF MY LIFE DOING NOTHING!!!- (fades off)
OK well onward to thing about today. Today 'was' going bad, dunno why, but this morning I woke up feeling like crap. Got sore spot all over my back, my arm still aches from writing so much notes yesterday in 'U.S. Government' and my brain is stuck in first gear from too much information that needed to be digested. I guess, I'm just not used to handling so much knowledge in such short time DX It's like Fifteen chapters of 'U.S. Govt' + 'Mac-Econ' in just 5½ weeks. oh-h-h...that's really painful to do. And due to getting close to the end of the course, my class had been blessed with the one test and one quiz per week...SH!T!!!!!
But, as it always does, my day gradually turn from worst into acceptable. Well, for one, this afternoon when I went to grab a bit at "Fire-House"; in case some body who doesn't know, it's a sub store that just opened; funded by firefighters, and I think it was because the place was packed with customers, and they couldn't get my order out fast enough, so the generous clerk gave me two tickets which I can use to redeem two free lunch sub on the next order.. WOOT!

1 comment:

  1. hey,congrates! You are a blogger now. I'll be anticipated to see more of your life stories..I guess.
    Good luck with school. You are smart, you can do this.
