Monday, August 3

Following the Days of the 'Traveler'

Well, first of all, today was not as bad as I thought it would be. Woke up around 7:30;good, manage to get to morning classes;awesome, able to take a lunch near Co-Co's Cafe to get the Ice-Mocha; don't know if I spelled it correct, haven't had one in a long time, swear it's the best coffee-milk-chocolate mix slushy thing,
(it didn't look THIS good, but it's close...I think)
that part was excellent. But just when I thought the days could not get any better, it was time for my Mac-Econ classes. Not that I hate the class, it's just, I don't really want to memorize all the 'economical terms' ... *sigh* well, that part of the day was UN-fun. Some thing from the past then, since I don't want to have such a short entry as the bases of my first few entries. 09Taiwan Vacation : Mainly, this trip was an emergency back due to some very unfortunate events that I shall not mention, but over all, the trip back was a recall of my fragmented memories of my childhood. For first thing, I'm gonna say, the plane ride there was extraordinary painful. For my group; since my family divided into two groups due to different boarding time, we had a 1-2 hour flight to L.A. then it was transferred to a National Airport boarding gate that lead to an freaking 7000ish mile(6,888 miles or 5,985 nautical miles):14-15 hour flight. Three words afloat in my mind during the entire plane ride..."My Butt Hurts..." Seriously, you have no idea how much pain that is...n-e-ways. After the touch down, it was already night time. So, our chauffeur(joking); my Uncle came to pick us up at the airport; too bad I didn't have any picture taken when the flight landed. It was a eye opener. Well it wasn't after a couple of days before the emergency was resolved, but after that, my uncle and aunt took us touring the neighborhood. There were tons of home-owned food stand every where; and there were even more food inside shopping malls. It was like a twelve-floored skyscraper that had every thing neatly packed. Each floor has a different subject, like the first floor was featured items, second was Casual Stores and such... What really caught my attention was the third floor? because it was the pastry floor mm-m.

After the tour, we also got to see my old elementary school, old neighborhood and attend some of the street festivals. But, despite of all that fun, our trip was planned for only a week...because it was a emergency trip, and my classes starts three days after I came back, so it really sucked.. however, I did get to meet some of my old neighbors and distant relatives. Every one changed so much, I can barely recognize them from before. Well, I guess this is enough for today... gotta save some material for tomorrow... and the day after that. XD

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